Saturday 28 December 2013

Turkey Coma And All

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday so far! I also hope you've allowed yourself a bit of a break from writing. Every now and then it's a good idea to take a small hiatus to allow your creative well to refill and allow you to go back to your project recharged and refreshed, and ready to keep on rollin'! (Just make sure that break of yours doesn't last longer than a few days!)

I'll be back before long to wish you all a Happy New Year, but in these days before the turning of the calendar I hope you'll take a few minutes to look back on this year and enjoy your successes and take lessons away from the mistakes. After you've done that, look forward. Right now 2014 is wide open and full of possibility. What will *you* do with this time? Is this the year you write that book? Is this the year you step up your game? Only you can know for certain, and it's all about your conviction and determination. But I know you can do it!


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